• Hearing loss

    Think you have hearing loss?
    Here’s what you should do.

Though hearing loss is not reversible, most cases are easily treatable.



What to do if you have hearing loss

If you’ve concluded you have hearing loss — either by exhibiting these common hearing loss signs or failing an online hearing test — experts recommend you consult with someone who specializes in hearing issues.
You can start with your doctor or general practitioner (GP), who will most likely refer you to a hearing healthcare professional. Or, you can go directly to a hearing healthcare professional, like an otolaryngologist (ENT doctor), audiologist or hearing aid specialist.
The goal is to find a professional who specializes in hearing: someone who has the equipment, training and expertise to thoroughly evaluate your hearing and work with you to develop a personalized treatment solution.


See someone as soon as possible

Experts also recommend you treat hearing loss sooner rather than later. Study after study have linked untreated hearing loss to an array of issues like depression, anxiety, increased risk of falls and hospitalizations, and even dementia. Also, the longer you live with impaired hearing, the longer and harder it will be to recover once treatment starts.
“If you want to address hearing loss well, do it sooner rather than later…before brain structural changes take place.”
– Frank Lin, M.D., Ph.D. Johns Hopkins Medicine

Insist on a tailored treatment solution

If hearing loss is confirmed during your appointment with a hearing healthcare professional, you’ll most likely be prescribed hearing aids. Hearing aids are by far the most common way to treat hearing loss. They can help the majority of people who have hearing loss, especially if the hearing aids have been fit by an experienced professional.
Just as every person is unique, every person’s hearing needs are unique. That’s why it’s important that if you do get hearing aids, they are fit, programmed and customized to your specific hearing and lifestyle needs — and that you have access to proper follow-up and aftercare treatment.


Today’s hearing aids are miracles of modern engineering

Like other high-tech devices, hearing aids have improved significantly in recent years. They’ve become smaller, offer improved sound quality, and include new capabilities like fitness tracking, fall detection and language translation.
From “invisible” solutions that fit deep inside your ear and are virtually undetectable, to wireless options that stream audio from your TV or phone, today’s hearing aids provide more natural hearing, fit more comfortably and perform more reliably than ever before.


Next: Reasons to get help >
Frequently asked questions

If I think I have a hearing problem, what do I do?

You should make an appointment with a hearing professional like an audiologist, hearing aid specialist or ENT for an evaluation, consultation and hearing test. Many hearing care professionals offer this evaluation at no charge.

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Are there operations or medications I can take for hearing loss?

Only 5 percent of hearing loss in adults can be improved medically or surgically. The vast majority of Americans with hearing loss (95 percent) are treated with hearing aids.

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What can I expect at my hearing exam?

As you prepare to make an appointment with a hearing professional, there are a few important things to keep in mind.

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What are the different types and styles of hearing aids?

Today’s hearing aids come in a wide variety of sizes and styles — from those that sit behind the ear to completely invisible hearing aids — and feature different technology levels to match your specific needs and budget.

Learn more about your options >

Are there hearing aids for single-sided hearing loss?

Yes, hearing aids are available for those with single-sided hearing loss. The Starkey CROS System delivers solutions for:

Those who are unable to hear in one ear and have normal hearing in the other ear (CROS)

Those with little to no hearing in one of their ears, and a hearing loss in their better ear (BiCROS)

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Will I be able to hear in noisy places?

While no hearing aid can filter out all background noise, our advanced hearing aids are designed to reduce some types of background noise so that you can enjoy conversation and improve communication in places like restaurants, business meetings and social gatherings.

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Is there an adjustment period to wearing hearing aids?

Yes. Most people need an adjustment period of up to four months before becoming acclimated to — and receiving the full benefit of — wearing their hearing aids. However, you should expect to notice obvious benefits during this trial period. Remember, your hearing professional is there to help. Do not be afraid to call or visit to discuss your concerns.

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